Thursday, December 17, 2009

Want to get the names of all that that makes up to bridal party?

example is brides maid , paver girl page boy,Want to get the names of all that that makes up to bridal party?
what's paver girl??? all I know is FLOWER GIRL.

In wedding, the couple should have their bridal entourage. They are the so-called ';principal sponsor';(the one who stands as the 2nd parents of the couple)

Then the ';maid of honor'; with her ';Bride's maid'; of course and also the ';bestmen'; with his ';groom's men'; (They will be partnered accordingly).

Next to it are the litlle bride and/or flower girls, the ring bearer, the Bible bearer and the coin bearer (The bearers should be lil boys).

It will be followed by the secondary sponsors who are the following:

1. ';To Light Our Path'; (the one who will light the candle)

2. ';To Clothe Us as One'; (who will cover them with ';a'; see-through clothe in their heads)

3. ';To Bind Us Together'; (who will put a tie to the couple)

(Usually in Roman-Catholic Wedding Ceremony)

Aside from what is enumerated, wedding also has the Liturgical Entourage who will do and/or offer the following during the mass (will also be a part until the end of the celebration)


Bread (1 person)

Wine (1 person)

Gifts (2 or more)

Fruits (2 or more)

Should do:(only 1 person every role)

Epistle Reading

Pray of the Faithful

REad the responsorial Psalm


Dunno why you're looking fot his but Hope this can help you...Good Luck!

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